Documentation in browsable online format
The content of this documentation format is
standard HTML and will be readable with your web browser. There are no significant
differences between the browsable format and the HTML Help format documentation
Bitspring Renamer Primer
Decompression Chamber
Flambé Primer
HashMaker Primer
PocketPrioritize Primer
ReinDir Primer
SFVWatcher Primer
Documentation in downloadable .CHM format
These files are identical to those made available
with the applications. They are in Microsoft's HTML Help format and require
your system to support that format. If you are unable to open these and other
.CHM files, you may need to update one or more components on your computer.
HTML Help requires Internet Explorer 3.02 or later and the HTML Help updater
executable: HHUPD.EXE. Do not execute the
installer without first verifying that you need it, as systems with any number
of recent Microsoft products should already have it installed. For more information
on HTML Help do a search at the Microsoft
Bitspring Renamer Primer
Decompression Chamber
Flambé Primer
HashMaker Primer
ReinDir Primer
SFVWatcher Primer