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Installation and Setup Guide

I) Program Installation

As of the writing of this documentation, there is no "installer application" to automatically install Decompression Chamber (DC) to your hard drive. However, the installation of DC is actually very easy. DC is composed only of a single executable file (DecompressionChamber.exe). This file can be placed in any directory and run from there. I only recommend that if you create a shortcut for the DC application, that you make sure the "Working Directory" (also known as the "Target Directory") is set to the same directory that contains the DC executable program.

The more complex aspect of DC installation is the installation of the supported applications. This must be done BEFORE the next section of these instructions, Program Setup, is attempted. Information on what applications will work with DC and how to obtain and install them can be found on the Supported Decompression Utility List page. You only need to install those applications that you need according to which compression types you wish to support. In general, the command-line version of the decompression utilities does not support other compression types like the GUI versions do. Also, you generally will need to use the compression utility as opposed to the decompression utility (when both exist) because repair support is usually not found in the decompression utility.

II) Program Setup

When you first run DC, you will need to instruct it on the location of the supported command-line applications. To do so:

1) Launch DecompressionChamber.exe
2) Press the Options button or Selection Options... from the Edit menu.
3) In the bottom-left corner of the Options dialog box, you will find three edit boxes accompanied by three buttons. Each of these should be pointed to the executable file for the command-line application you wish to support for that compression type. To set the location, press a Path to <compression type> Application button.
4) An Open dialog box will appear. Navigate this dialog box to the location of the previously installed command-line utility. When two utilities exist, where one is for compression and one is for decompression, you will want to choose the compression utility for full DC support. (You may need to set Files of Type to All Files (*.*) if the utility is named something other than what DC expects.)
5) Press the Open button when the proper utility is selected. (You may also double-click on the file in the listbox.)
6) Repeat this process for each compression type you wish DC to support.

Next, you may want to adjust some of the other options. An explanation of the function of each of these options can be found on the Options page.

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Copyright © 2001 Gregory S. Gursky d/b/a Bitspring. All Rights Reserved.
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