Airbus Designs

I have not come up with a unified design for any group of Airbus models, so I list the two that I have completed so far together.

The Airbus A330 was first and is obviously a direct adaptation from my 737-800 design. In fact, the original design had the same light colored stripe as the Boeings. However, several friends felt the design looked too ominous due to the dark colors. To offset this, I created the fiery pattern that I was to use in many future projects and used it as the third stripe.

The Airbus A320 came later. However, coming up with a design true to the Birds of Paradise theme and thematically similar to earlier designs proved difficult. Had the final design, seen below, not been so popular, I would likely have replaced it to better suit the fleet. But it was well received and I have left it as-is.

Since I was never completely happy with my previous Airbus designs, I decided to make one more attempt. The result is that seen on the A340, A310 and A300. This should be the final Airbus design and will be used on all future Airbus paints.

Finally, while not an Airbus, I also felt the new Airbus design would best compliment the Embraer 170.

Airbus A340-300 (Model by Project Opensky)