0B File: A file with no contents (0-bytes) that is used as a means of persistent "notes" some of which are designed to point information out to the user when they are browsing their archive sets in Windows Explorer and some of which are designed to enhance DC's capabilities. Generally they use the following naming convention: "<archive title>.<informational extension>" (e.g. TestArchive.ignore, AnotherArchive.crcok).
Archive: An archive is the compression or storage of one or more files (sometimes including a directory structure) by an application into one or more other files.
Archive Set: When an archive is "broken up" into multiple files, the entire grouping of files is called an archive set. If an archive is not "broken up" then the term archive set refers to the single archive file.
Command-Line Interface: Generally, this is a textual environment that, while usually more cryptic and less user-friendly, provides a user with a fast method of inputting options to an application. Due to the textual method of input, command-line applications can often have their use automated. The primary alternative to a Command-Line Interface is the GUI.
Compression: The process of shrinking one or more files into an archive by use of a compression algorithm. This, when used properly, should produce an archive smaller in size than the original file or files.
CRCOK: Term referring to an archive set that has been tested to have no errors.
Current Directory: Much of DC operation is based around the current directory. Directory operations such as Add Directory and Add Branch use the current directory to determine the directory on which to operate. The current directory is listed as the current selection in the Recent Directories dropbox.
Graphical User Interface (GUI): An environment provided by some applications allowing easier use of a program through a graphical visual presentation of the options and data manipulated by that program. Generally, most Windows applications make use of a GUI. The primary alternative to a GUI is the Command-Line Interface.
Member File: When an archive is "broken up" into more than one file (i.e. an archive set containing more than one file) then the individual files are called member files. (e.g. In a RAR archive set, example.rar, example.r00, example.r01, etc. would be the member files.)
Primary Pane: DC has a potential of three view panes. The topmost is called the primary pane. It lists all archive set entries that have been added using one of the "Add" operations. Most control over the archive sets is performed in the primary pane.
Primary File (or Primary Member File): The first member file in an archive set is known as the primary file. Most operations cannot be performed on an archive set that is missing its primary file. Examples of primary files are SampleSet1.rar, SampleSet2.001, SampleSet3.ace, and SampleSet4.exe.
Recent Directory: DC is able to remember a large number of recently used directories. These can then be easily set as the current directory at any time. The recent directories are listed in the Recent Directories dropbox. But selecting a recent directory in this dropbox, that directory will be set as the new current directory.
Results Pane: DC has a potential of three view panes. The second pane is called the results pane. All output from the command-line utilities is displayed here as it is sent back from those applications. The results pane can be hidden by dragging the seperator between the primary pane and the results pane to its bottom-most position.
Storage: The process of combining one or more files into an archive without compressing it to make it smaller. This is usually done to simplify the process of moving multiple files to another location.
Watch Pane: DC has a potential of three view panes. The third pane is called the watch pane. Most of the time (and by default) the watch pane is hidden. To toggle the watch pane between visible and hidden you may press the Watchlist button or toggle the Watch List entry in the View menu.
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